Romeo, a delightful pug who was rescued several years ago by his caregivers, came to Shelburne Falls to pick-up a brand…
Watson & Lily, two beautiful rescued greyhounds visited the cottage for a 3-day stay with their caretakers. The pair (approximately…
Stirling, a beautiful dachsund, spent 3 nights at the Cottage with his “support group”. Stirling’s caregivers drove from Kentucky to…
Several rescued Belgian Griffons overnighted at Cavalier Cottage with their caretaker who works for the rescue group. Ollie, one of…
If you’re a biking enthusiast, scroll down and learn about Charlemont’s great biking and great eats! And of course, there…
Three wonderful dogs visited Cavalier Cottage this week. Two of the three were rescued by their equally wonderful guardians and…
Mirabella, a 4-year old rescued Sato (street dog) from Puerto Rico, spent 2 nights at the Cottage. She is outgoing,…
AUGUST 2012 A very lucky and very adorable kitten spent 3 nights at Cavalier Cottage. His new guardians hailing from…
Hannah, a very sweet long-haired dachsund, spent the month of July at Cavalier Cottage B&B with her care-giver, a recent…
Hello from Cavalier Cottage, to my past, future, and prospective guests, I am so happy to tell you that since…