Three wonderful dogs visited Cavalier Cottage this week. Two of the three were rescued by their equally wonderful guardians and it was a delight to meet the whole crew.
First, 13-years young 3-legged Matty adoped from Wanderers Rest Humane Association in Canastota, NY. Second, Bungee, badly abused by a former owner and also a 3-legged, adopted from Happy Dog Rescue in Blakeslee, PA. Third, Sophie, a 95 lb. Bernese Mountain dog, and a trained therapy dog. Click here to see their group photo.
They came specifically to this area so that Bungee could be measured and fitted for her custom design Eddie’s Wheels front wheel dog wheelchair. They’ll be returning early next month to pick it up and make sure it’s a perfect fit. So the Cottage will have the pleasure of their company again.